Coke empire album
Coke empire album

coke empire album

Hate also has no place in the metal community, but sadly still occurs regularly in this predominantly straight and white genre. It makes no sense to loathe something that is simply the opposite to the choices you make in your own personal journey. Hating someone for their sexual preference is like hating someone you don’t know, nor will ever meet, who goes to the shop at some point during their personal life and buys Pepsi instead of Coke. They deserve so much better than the fear surrounding them. The solidarity within the LGBTQ community and the vibrancy of its unique and individual members is one thing that brings a smile to this sometimes dreary world. These regressive backwards strides serve no purpose within our existence, where human being is human being. The LGBTQ community is one that receives so much venom from these harsh, bigoted voices that it is hard to imagine how they cope.

coke empire album

Sadly not all of us realise that hate has no place in modern society and the voices of hatred deserve no platform to spit their vile words.

coke empire album

Some people may never change but intolerance is indoctrinated and words, songs and other art forms with clear messages of love are supposed to reach those who are uneducated. People whose lives revolve around immersing themselves in their own culture of pig-ignorance and unyielding, obstinate bigotry are like the nazis in a clichéd movie… they are so lost to their own beliefs that they seem to truly not recognise the fact that they are the bad guys. We are living in a world where even stating that “black lives matter” can rile people up to violence and social uproar by people… people, so tragically lost in their own prejudice that simple, rational thought cannot bring itself to exist. We fail one another so often it’s no wonder society is so wildly unbalanced, and somewhat unhinged. We are dark souls in a dark world where callous, spiteful hatred still controls the sparks of thought where compassion and tolerance should rule.

Coke empire album